Mastering Time Management as a Developer



Hi everyone!! For those who are new to my blog Apart From Blonde, my name is Jess, I’m a recent computer science grad (2021), and I'm passionate about empowering people to confidently navigate challenging topics!

No matter where you are in your technical journey, you likely have a lot on your plate! This post will cover time management tips designed to help you optimize your productivity without compromising the quality of your work or your bandwidth to learn and grow as a developer.

Whether you're a student, a working professional, or just someone looking to improve your productivity, I hope this post offers some helpful tips and tricks for making the most of your time and reaching your goals!

1. Set Exciting Goals

Let's be honest, nobody gets excited about boring goals. So make sure your goals are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), but also make them exciting! Instead of aiming to "code a new feature," set a goal to "build an awesome feature that users will praise and make my coworkers jealous within two weeks." It might seem silly, but which of those sounds more interesting to you?

2. Track Your Time Like a Boss

Time tracking is a great way to see where you're spending your time and identify areas where you can improve. It may add a bit of extra work when you’re getting started, but it’s an investment that will pay for itself quickly if you can keep up with it and use the insights it provides to your advantage! There are tons of tools out there such as Toggl to help you track your time!

3. Prioritize Like a Pro

This one is simple and self-explanatory. You're a pro developer, so you know how to prioritize tasks. I still wanted to include it on this list so we don’t forget about it! The Eisenhower Matrix is a great tool for breaking down tasks into four categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. By focusing on what's really important, you'll be able to make the most of your time!

4. Kiss Distractions Goodbye

When it comes to coding, your train of thought is best served uninterrupted, so do what you can to set up your environment for productivity. That doesn’t mean your surroundings have to be boring. My go-to is a YouTube video of Italy aerial drone footage on my TV, a candle lit, my favorite drink and snack on hand, and relaxing music (Spotify has a lot of “study” or “focus” playlists!). Surround yourself with what applies best for you and you’ll forget where your phone is in no time!

5. Take It One Step at a Time

Big tasks can be daunting, but breaking them down into manageable chunks can make all the difference. Not only will you feel more in control, but you'll also be able to track your progress more easily. So don't be afraid to divide and conquer! Paired with this, I personally love the 5-minute trick. Set a timer and get as much done in 5 minutes as you can (and actually use those 5 minutes). By the end of that time, I’m in the zone and it’s much easier to continue from there. You can always add another round or two of 5 minutes but also be honest with yourself. If nothing is working, there’s no reason to waste time doing a bad job that you’ll just have to redo later. Take a break and come back to it when you feel better!

6. Schedule Your Way to Success

Scheduling your day is a great way to stay on top of your tasks and make sure you're making the most of your time. Use tools like Google Calendar or Trello to plan out your day and track your progress. And as I mentioned above, please don't forget to schedule some downtime to avoid burning out!

Student-Specific Tips:

7. Maximizing Office Hours for Effective Time Management

It's crucial to make the most of resources like office hours to help you manage your time effectively. When you're assigned a project that you're unsure about, try to attend office hours as soon as possible to get feedback from your TA. This will help you understand the project's scope and difficulty, allowing you to plan your time wisely and avoid last-minute stress!

8. Finding Support in Numbers: The Power of Study Groups

Don’t skip this one. This was my lifesaver. I’m not referring to a formal study group that meets regularly. Personally, I just made a group chat for some people in my classes that we could use for support and collaboration (assuming someone else hadn’t already made one). Many schools also have Discord channels for each class, where you can see what other students are asking/suggesting for your projects in real time. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can stay on top of your assignments and learn from your peers, making it easier to manage your time effectively!

Final Thoughts:

Having personally navigated the challenges of a technical course load, jumping into the deep end of corporate work, and facing both of those in a fully remote environment, I understand the importance of effective time management in the tech industry. Utilizing strategies such as setting exciting goals, minimizing distractions, breaking down large tasks, and leaning into the support around you, you'll be well on your way to becoming a time management master. Keep experimenting and adapting your strategies as needed, and you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish!

What time management issues have you faced in the past, and how have you overcome them? Let me know in the comments, or reach out to me directly at! I’d love to hear from you!

Check out this and more posts on my Medium account HERE!


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